by Susan C. Rempel, Ph.D. | Apr 22, 2012 | Personal Growth Exercises
A question from one of our subscribers: “How do you keep your dreams and goals alive in the face of adversity and depression?” Here’s my response: “That’s a Positive!” (Part 1 of a 3 part series) Are you one of them? I am! Who am I...
by Susan C. Rempel, Ph.D. | Apr 22, 2012 | Personal Growth Exercises
I recently experienced a “wake-up call.” I was surfing the Web and came across a crossword puzzle written for microbiologists. I thought to myself, “Gee, I took a microbiology course in college. It might be fun to see how much of it I could fill in.” So, I started...
by Susan C. Rempel, Ph.D. | Apr 22, 2012 | Personal Growth Exercises
Yes, I know. This week’s personal growth exercise was scheduled to discuss implementing your new standard of public conduct. However, something came to my attention yesterday that you might want to consider as you develop your new standards for yourself. I would...
by Susan C. Rempel, Ph.D. | Apr 22, 2012 | Personal Growth Exercises
View a negative situation as an opportunity to do good and create a positive outcome. Consider a critical remark from someone as nothing more than a challenge to improve yourself. Interpret a gloomy today as a prelude to a bright and sunny tomorrow. Decide that...
by Susan C. Rempel, Ph.D. | Apr 21, 2012 | Personal Growth Exercises
Here’s is another life lesson that I learned while lecturing to divorced parents. As you may recall, I often lecture to a mandatory parent education presented by the Los Angeles Superior Court. Recently, I was lecturing to a group that included...