That’s a Positive!

A question from one of our subscribers: “How do you keep your dreams and goals alive in the face of adversity and depression?”   Here’s my response:   “That’s a Positive!” (Part 1 of a 3 part series)             Are you one of them? I am! Who am I...

Don’t Stop!

I recently experienced a “wake-up call.”  I was surfing the Web and came across a crossword puzzle written for microbiologists.  I thought to myself, “Gee, I took a microbiology course in college. It might be fun to see how much of it I could fill in.”  So, I started...

You Just Never Know

  Here’s is another life lesson that I learned while lecturing to divorced parents.             As you may recall, I often lecture to a mandatory parent education presented by the Los Angeles Superior Court. Recently, I was lecturing to a group that included...