Stress Busting Holiday Planner

Stress Busting Holiday Planner By Susan C. Rempel, Ph.D. You don’t have time to read an entire book about holiday organization. You’re getting ready for Christmas, but you remember all the stress of Christmas Seasons Past? Relax! Follow this organizational strategy,...

What Motivates You?

Our first personal growth exercise stems from a question that was asked by our resident motivational guru from down under, John Ahern (Livin’ n’ Love’n Life in the Land of Aus…at John asked me “What tools keep you...

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go?

Did you make your list on January 1st? I did! You may be one of those individuals, like myself, who makes or revises his or her list every month or quarter. What list am I talking about? That list of resolutions, goals, or good intentions that we hope to follow...