Catholic Bible Terms 1
Creed, Baptismal Font, Psalm, Consecrate, Reconciliation, Last Supper, Contrition, Immaculate Conception, Praise, Confession, Holy Week, Conscience, Holy Thursday, Grace, Communion, Absolution, Christmas, Baptism, Amen, Confess, Tabernacle, Saint, Priest, Forgiveness, Godparent, Holy Spirit, Parish, Family, Create, Church, Christian, Altar, Bible, Catholic, Christ, Lent, Mary, Mass, Prayer, Last Supper, Joseph, Jesus, Holy Family, Cross, Easter, God, Advent
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Catholic Bible Terms 2
Mortal Sin, Confess, Baptism, Stole, Holy Week, Christ, Absolution, Vestments, Grace, Catholic, Thanksgiving, Tabernacle, Conscience, Blessed Trinity, Temptation, Stations Of The Cross, Blessed Sacrament, Reconciliation Room, Lectionary, Resurrection, Blessed Trinity, Sacrament Of Eucharist, Blood Of Christ, Chalice, Patron Saint, Fasting, Sacrament Of Penance, Genuflection, Penance, Pentecost, Son Of God, Kingdom Of God, Sorrow, Petition, Good Friday, Liturgy Of The Eucharist, Commandment, Apostles, Apostles Creed, Advent, Communion Of Saints, Apostolic, Adoration, Host, Ciborium, Venial Sin, Rite Of Reconciliation
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Catholic Bible Terms 3
Anointing Of The Sick, Absolution, Temptation, Ten Commandments, Beatitude, Baptism, Advent, Apostle, Blessed, Sacrament, Trinity, Catholic, Consecrate, Confirmation, Chrism, Celibate, Spiritual Works Of Mercy, Service, Prophet, Covet, Covenant, Corporal Works Of Mercy, Confirmation, Sin, Ministry, Ministry Liturgy Of The Eucharist, Scripture, People Of God, People Of God, Pope (Holy Father), Savior, Sacrifice, Sacraments, Rosary, Holy Day Of Obligation, Word Of God, Vocation, Trinity, Immaculate, Conception, Beatitudes, Ascension, Worship, Justice, Occasion Of Sin, Parable, Precepts Of The Church
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Catholic Bible Terms 4
Priesthood, Purgatory, Advent, Sacraments Of Initiation, Reconciliation, Religious Life, Revelation, Sacrament, Sacraments Of Commitment, Saint, Sanctifier, Sign, Viaticum, Venial Sin, Ten Commandments, Sin, Advent, Creed, Community, Disciple, Death, Deacon, Conscience, Easter Vigil, Eucharist, Faith, Fidelity, Heaven, Gospel, Gifts Of The Spirit, Grace, Hell, Holy Orders, Incarnation, Judgment, Kingdom Of God, Laity, Lent, Liturgical Year, Ordinary Time, Ordain, Marriage, Liturgy Of The Eucharist, Original Sin, Passover, Prayer, Liturgy Of The Word
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Catholic Bible Terms 5
Trinity, Schism, Creed, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Liturgical Year, Advent, Saving Actions, Liturgy, Sacramental, Ritual, Psalms, Redeemer, Redemption, Revelation, Pentecost, Passover, Paraliturgy, Obligation, Ministry, Messiah, Manna, Lent, Literary Forms, Liturgical, Prayer, Kaddish, Judaism, Hopelessness, Heritage, Hebrew Scriptures, Inspiration, Injustice, Exodus, Eucharistic Liturgy, Adoration, Eucharistic, Eastern Church, Covenant, Chosen People, Christian Scriptures, Communal, Prayer, Chastity, Worship, Vow, Word Of God
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Catholic Bible Terms 6
Heresy, Advent, Beatitudes, Paschal Mystery, Grace, Venial Sin, Ecumenical Council, Encyclical, Evangelization, Diocese, Trinity, Parable, Assumption, Canon Law, Apostle, Communion Of Saints, Dogma, Covenant, Virtue, Values, Social Justice, Sacrament, Resurrection, Responsibility, Precepts Of The Church, Prayer, New Testament, Mortal Sin, Morality, Miracle, Grace, Incarnation, Kingdom Of God, Messiah, Gospel, Free Will, Evangelist, Disciple, Conscience, Consequence, Corporal Works Of Mercy, Covenant, Commitment, Chastity, Ascension, Abba, Rosary
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Catholic Bible Terms 7
Anointing Of The Sick, Absolution, Messiah, Ministry, Beatitude, Precepts Of The Church, Papacy, Mystagogia, Rites, Providence, Trinity, Vatican Council II, Consecrate, Vocation, Schism, Virtue, Spiritual Works Of Mercy, Service, Prophet, Covet, Covenant, Corporal Works Of Mercy, Confirmation, Communion Of Saints, Canon Law, Ministry Liturgy Of The Eucharist, Scripture, Diocese, Dogma, Covenant, Free Will, Sacrifice, Empathy, Encyclical, Holy Day Of Obligation, Word Of God, Heresy, Incarnation, Immaculate Conception, Beatitudes, Infallibility, Integrity, Justice, Occasion Of Sin, Parable, Laity
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