Eucharist Bingo
Here is another bingo game in the Catholic Education Resource series. This bingo set is a positive educational teaching tool that is intended for use in Catholic Education settings, Catholic Parochial Schools, or Catechism classes. It’s also a great game to play at at party or use for “family game night.” Children and adults alike will deepen their religious training while having fun. What a great way to experience a positive message about the Catholic faith, and learn more about Catholic beliefs and practices!
Eucharist bingo is a wonderful way to teach children and adults alike about the special meal that Jesus gave us at the Last Supper. The Eucharist is the center of sacramental life, and this bingo game will help the players learn about the Presentation of the Gifts, the Eucharistic Prayer, and the Communion Rite. It also includes information about the requirements to receive communion. It is a wonderful game to play before a first communion, in preparation for confirmation, or just as a way to remind us why receiving communion often is so important.
Starting at $1.99, download and print the set of your choice today!